Forming New Habits: How to Change What Doesn’t Work
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Forming New Habits: How to Change What Doesn’t Work

Forming New Habits: How to Change What Doesn't Work

"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." - Unknown.

Why do we want to form new habits and change what doesn't work? In order to make lasting changes in your health, changing your habits is always the first step and can make all the difference in your results. We all have habits, good and bad. Being aware of what those habits are so that you can make the necessary changes is a key piece of the puzzle to having you look and feel your best. After you have created some simple habits to change in your life, take a step back and look at the results so far. This is where you can decide if you will continue with this habit, or if it might be time to call it quits, or look into advanced strategies.

When a New Habit Doesn’t Work

To start with, every new habit you start is not going to be something you stick with forever. There are some that absolutely will and will probably change your life for the better. But just like other things you attempt in your life, they are not all going to be perfect from beginning to end.


It is okay to take a step back, consider where you are, and whether or not once of your new habits is working for you. This doesn’t mean you chose a bad habit, but that it doesn’t work for you personally, for your schedule, your lifestyle, or where you are right now in your life. Remember that your priorities and goals can change as you go through life, and it’s okay for your habits to change along with them.

Did You Give it Enough Time?


Before you decide to ditch or change one of your new habits, give it enough time. The amount of time changes depend on the type of habit and your personal goals, but about 30 days is a good amount of time. This is long enough where it became something you did every day, and should have gotten to a point where you didn’t even have to think about it.

However, if you have been doing one habit for 2 months, and you still don’t see any benefits from it, or it still feels like pulling teeth every time you get up to do it, then maybe it isn’t the right one for you.

Tracking Your Progress and Making Changes

This is why tracking your new habits is so important. You can actually see how long you have been doing it, if you have been consistent, and in what ways it is benefiting you. If you start a new job and put in the work, you expect to be paid for your efforts. The same can be said for when you work really hard on a new habit or goal, and it just doesn’t pay off in the end. You want to choose habits you can keep track of and that will have some type of benefit for you.

Advanced Strategies for Making Changes

Sometimes we find it difficult to make changes. Despite all our great intentions, we struggle to stay on track. It's easy to think that this is simply a lack of self control, however, sometimes it goes much deeper than that. This is where my advanced strategies of Neurolinguistic Programming or Timeline Therapy can come in. I know that in my own life, the core issue with my health and in other areas of my life had more to do with my mindset, low self-esteem, and things that I saw or heard years ago that were affecting my choices now. This is where NLP can help. Through neurolinguistics, we can change your perception and strategies so that you will have a positive outcome, rather than the negative one that happens when you eat that whole bag of chips, cookies, or whatever your self-sabotaging strategy is that is keeping you sick and from moving forward in your life. Personally, I was self sabotaging in areas that I wasn't even aware of, and through NLP, I was able to recognize and change those behaviors.

Neurolinguistic Programing

Timeline therapy is a way to release emotional baggage. Basically, a licensed NLP Practioner will use a series of specific interview questions to find the root cause of an emotion and gain the learnings from the event so that they can release the emotion. I've found this to be extremely effective and quick, which is a plus.

If you’re seriously interested in making changes, schedule a complementary 20 minute Discovery Session where we'll talk about what you are struggling with and I'll offer some possible solutions. You can access my calendar here: Discovery Call

20 Minute Discovery Call

Or join my Facebook group where I’ll be sharing more information, tips and recipes to help you live a happier, healthier life.

To your wellness,


Certified Health Coach & NLP Master Coach

Kimberly Lebbing

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