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No, You Don’t Have Time Management Problems, Work on This Instead

Writer's picture: Kimberly LebbingKimberly Lebbing

Have you been so busy and overwhelmed that you thought how can I manage my time better?

Or maybe you thought that if you could just try harder, or work longer hours, you could get everything done?

Recently, when coaching one of the sales teams I work with, I had a few of the salespersons ask if we could work on time management.

They were feeling the stress of the busy season. Their focus had shifted a lot more to their business and now workouts were being missed, and less time with spouses and family was taking a toll on their mindset. “How do I get it all done?”, they asked.

They are in a type of business that has heavy busy seasons, and spring is one of them. The problem is that they were feeling guilty about the extra time they are spending on their businesses and how it was flooding over into their personal time.

I dove a little deeper (as I always do). I asked deeper questions about what areas they felt needed better time management and here is what I discovered.

Time Management is a Myth.

Let me explain.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “We make time for the things we value”, right?

With the above statement in mind, let’s look at this very common problem a little differently.

If 90% of our behavior is driven by our subconscious mind, doesn’t it make sense that our subconscious and conscious VALUES may be out of alignment and that is the REAL reason for the extra stress and lack of “time management”?

When your values are out of alignment, you have a conflict going on inside you, and this means you get roller coaster results.

When you have roller-coaster results, you question your confidence and feel burned out.

When your values are out of alignment, you tend to slide back into old behaviors and patterns, resulting in guilt.

When you have guilt, it means you end up creating a vicious cycle of guilt both in your personal life and your business. Consciously, you want the goal that you set, but subconsciously, there is guilt, so you don’t move forward with consistency.

When you have guilt, you tend to procrastinate on projects and to-do’s, which creates more guilt.

Are you seeing the pattern here?

Subconscious Blocks or Beliefs.

How do you know if you have a subconscious block or belief? Are you inconsistent?

Do you have roller-coaster results?

Have you wanted to reach a higher level of success but haven’t been able to?

These are all signs that there are subconscious blocks or beliefs and that your values are not in alignment.

Here is an example of how this might play out. One of my clients, Barb, wanted to increase her sales, hire a team, and up level her business. She had been wanting to do this for a few years but hadn’t been able to do it.

She was a seasoned business owner, and had a lot of success, but was feeling frustrated that she hadn’t been able to get to that next level. Her values were out of alignment with her goals. She had something from her past that was stopping her. A past experience that was disrupting her ability to trust others and hire a team.

Bingo. We discovered what was stopping her. Trust, or lack of it, will stop you in your tracks. It’s the reason why she wasn’t letting go of tasks and hiring more people sooner. It’s why she was stuck in some of her personal relationships.

Once we identified the REAL problem and removed what was stopping her, she was able to make decisions differently. She got into action. Time management was not an issue. She is clear about what she wants and does it, or knows WHO to find that can help her get it done.

Now she is working on her business at a different level. She understands and sees her business in a different way. She SEES POSSIBILITIES instead of problems or obstacles.

How to Align your Values.

Our subconscious mind is responsible for storing our memories and experiences, it learns behavior from those memories and those behaviors become our reality. Most of the time we are completely unaware of why we are doing what we are doing, but, when we get to the cause, we are able to uproot the problem so that it doesn’t keep happening.

There are 3 key steps that have to take place in order to align your values or internal “programming”. Through my extensive training, I’ve been able to extract the most important pieces and have put them into a very unique and fast process that I use with my clients. It works every single time.

  • Find out what the real problem is. There is a deeper reason behind behavior that we keep doing and don't know how to stop. One of the many questions I ask my clients is, "How is that a problem?"

  • Find out what caused it, or when did it first occur. When we can find out what caused the problem, we are able to reframe it and learn from it.

  • Fix the problem. To truly fix a problem or program that is running subconsciously, it must be reframed or "rewired" so that it no longer occurs.

When our values are aligned, we are able to set clear boundaries, which means when we are working, we are doing just that, we aren’t distracting ourselves with underlying guilt. We stay focused and consistent.

When your values are aligned, we know what to say yes to, and most importantly, what to say no to, which means, you HAVE MORE TIME to spend with your family, and friends, or doing whatever you love to do for fun.

For more education and training on having even more success, here are a few ways to connect with me:

  1. You can subscribe to my Youtube channel.

  2. You can book a call if you want to accelerate the success of your sales team

  3. Download the FREE PDF: Three Unseen Problems in Sales Teams That Stops Them from Achieving the Company's Goals; And How to Get Massive Action from Your Team and More Consistent Results

  4. You can book a call if you want to learn more about my 4-Hour Rapid Results Program

  5. Download the FREE PDF: How One of my Clients (An Entrepreneur) went from Zero to Over $1 Million with One Shift

  6. Visit my website for more information:

I would love to hear your thoughts on this blog.

To Your TOTAL Success,



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